Monday, November 7, 2011


Or the lack thereof, as the case may  be. Clearly, I'm struggling with productivity...I'm actually using my long-ignored blog as a way of avoiding lesson plans.

Day-plans might be a more accurate description, as I find that most of the time I'm studying up just enough to be ready for the next day's class.  I have lesson plans that stretch a bit more long-distance, but I almost feel like it's counter-productive to do all of this detailed planning when I'm not even sure how much information I'll get through tomorrow.  Ultimately, there's a voice in the back of my mind telling me: Laura, you're an idiot.

Plan the dumb lesson.

Which, I then procede to ignore. But at least I tried. Here's  a run-down of this week's topics:

US History: Andrew Jackson and the national bank crisis
European History: The Enlightenment - Political theory (Hobbes and Locke)
Eastern Civ: Imperial Japan (just finished the destruction of the samurai at the end of the Tokugawa Period)
Logic: Fallacies of Induction, including Hasty Generalization, Sweeping Generalization, False Cause, False Analogy, and Fake Precision

It's all fascinating stuff, but by the time I get home every afternoon, the last thing I want to do is read more about it. And that, unfortunately, is not because I'm Johnny-on-the-spot about it during the day.


I'm working on my productivity this week.

I'm also working on my LIFE PLAN. I like to think that I have lofty aspirations, when really, I'm pretty passive about my situation. So, I'm working on Doing Smart People Things. Like possibly taking the LSAT with an attitude of, who knows? I was toying with nursing school. Probably because I've somehow found myself watching too much Gray's Anatomy, and I think that if I were a medical professional, I could wear scrubs and yell "STAT!" and not have to do the whole "Never-sleep-work-all-the-time-especially-weekends-and-oh-yeah-clean-up-poop."

Hawaii update: it's still here. It's so much easier to bask in tropical paradise when there's not a full-time job in the way. But I would never want to complain...having to suffer through a strenuous week of working until *gasp* 3pm is even more cushy when you can lounge on the beach all weekend. Well, not all weekend.

I'm going to dive back into Jacksonian democracy. I'm also going to try to work my lesson plans so that a viewing of "Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier" is somewhere in there.

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