Saturday, October 8, 2011

We will not go quietly into the night!

Within the last two days I've heard from at least three people about my blog. Mostly it amounted to: "We've stopped reading it."

I myself have stopped reading it and taken up Grace H's, which is one of the most entertaining things I've ever read. Be jealous: she flies in on Monday. But the fact remains that I am not reliable. But let me tell you other things that are not reliable:

1) Internet
2) Camera cords that say they're going to upload your pictures but in-the-end-just-don't

But I have decided to get past these obstacles and strike a blow for freedom. And blogging. And mostly for Fall Break, which just started, so don't hold your breath, this sudden burst of literary inspiration will be short-lived.

Ah, Fall Break. I am shuper-duper-exshited. Teaching has been going well. Great. Awesome - I've come up with lots of one-word answers that do the job quite nicely. In all honesty, I'm getting more and more attached to the students and exponentially more concerned about making them hate history forever. I mean, I get one shot at the Reformation with these guys and I have the sinking feeling I forgot something, or they still don't get it. I want to rush right out of the gate teaching like my highschool teachers, who had been in the game for 20+ years. Not gonna happen. My biggest problem I think is organization. I'm still a mess of papers and assignments and pseudo-lesson-plans. I need to kick my productivity into high gear.

To sum up: I'm still learning. Still doing 2 or more hours of prep a night, mostly because I'm not good at using my time during the day. It's a work in progress. And randomly a couple weeks back, I decided that I was going to be a nurse.

Yeah, I'll get back to you on that.

The last week and a half were spent watching 3 kids from school while their parents were out of town (well, out of country). These kids were freakishly well behaved: we would get back from school and they'd all eat a snack and then calmly sit down at the table to do their homework. And they basically erected a monument to my name because I made them hamburgers and fries one night. The tough part came with the shuttling to and from practices and school and church events, the overseeing them instead of lesson planning, and the dealing with an unexpected flat tire. To sum up: Mommy, you are amazing. Also, I was reminded how amazing the leadership at our school is: the Vice Head of School took off the flat tire, took the van to the shop and got a new tire, all while I was blissfully teaching classes. Better service than AAA, let me tell you.

We picked up the parents today, to much rejoicing. I'm back home, with two legs full of insect bites and this, which the parents kindly brought back for me:

Tonight, Jessica and I are going to the girl's volleyball championship game. We are excited because starting tomorrow, we have approximately 10 cars at our disposal. After many car-less weeks, we are grateful. When it rains it pours.

Speaking of pouring, it's been rainy rainy rainy here. Hoping it clears up for Grace, but we can always go to the other side of the island.

This us from way back when. So happy. Well, we're still happy. We're also happy it's break. These pics are from my iTouch and I'll try to add more soon. Dumb camera cord.

Also, I finally had poke - raw tuna in shoyu or some other sauce. To die for. Also, I had a malasada - Portuguese fried donut. Also to die for. For reals. I think my arteries aged like 20 yrs.

Thank for you patience. Or not. If you stopped reading, fine. That's ok. I have other friends. Like the gecko on the wall. We really close right now.




  1. This makes me miss you much! Say that five times fast. Plus the bag is to die for, where is it from?

  2. Nice to know you're still alive over there. Have fun with Grace! :)
